Celebrating the 74th Anniversary of Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2021)
On the occasion of the 74th anniversary of Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2021), the Corporation's leaders cooperated with the Party Committee, Trade Union of agencies and organizations to organize a meeting and show gratitude to the wounded and sick patients. soldiers, family members of war invalids - martyrs are officers and employees working at the Corporation's Agency.
27/07/2021 10:38

Comrade Pham Thu Hien - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Corporation sent gratitude of steel workers to war invalids and martyrs.

Mr. Le Van Thanh - Deputy General Director of the Corporation, expressed his deep gratitude, sent his regards and best wishes for health to the families of martyrs, wounded soldiers, and families with meritorious services. life, wounded and sick soldiers

At the meeting, the delegates also heard touching stories from the family members of war invalids, martyrs and veterans working at the Corporation